School Mission
Holy Trinity Catholic School was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. This means our school life reflects the canon law and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and is in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. In particular, the religious education we offer at Holy Trinity is in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline and general and particular norms of the Catholic Church. Very importantly, our collective worship will always follow the rites, practices, discipline and general and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church.
The main aim of our school is to provide our children with an education fit for purpose according to their age, ability, aptitude and needs so that they are encouraged to reach the very best that each is capable of.
Holy Trinity, as a living Catholic community, also provides this experience for all its members and secures its role in the initiation of the children into the full life of the Church. The all-round development of all children is our continuing and constant concern and we want to nurture children who can turn to us to help overcome problems and anxieties when they exist.
We recognise and value our parents’ responsibility as the first educators of their children. As a school assist in this mission by formalising the means through which these parental duties can be met. Our school is eager to continue developing a secure and trusted partnership between each family, our school and the Church, through each of our parishes, so that we can work together encourages and supports the children as they develop and mature.
Holy Trinity strives to support and yet challenge each child’s learning experiences and the best interests of our children lie at the heart of all we do. We believe each in our community is made in the image and likeness of the Father and this confers a unique dignity on us all. We work hard to ensure our curriculum relates directly to each child’s needs as well as our teaching teams’ skills and the resources and facilities available.
Christ is at the centre of our school life so your child’s growth as a responsible social being is equally important to his or her development in academic excellence. Each of our gifts and talents is God-given, we believe all of our school family have them and it is our work to offer the means by which each of these can be recognised and celebrated. To do this, we hold true to the aims of our school:
Place Christ at the centre of our lives, so that our children may be the leaven of the Gospel promoted in our Mission
To promote aspects in all aspects of school life, developing each child’s ability to recognize and strive for this
To recognize that all members of the community are lifelong learners, prepared to accept challenges with confidence and determination
To promote self-disciple and respect, never accepting bullying of any kind and to communicate this belief in a positive and proactive manner
Form pupils’ consciences, nurturing their relationship with God through prayer and fostering a sense of social responsibility to the school and wider community